Siliceara Company (private joint stock) is a subclass corporation in industrial and mineral group of Kansar Proje (private joint stock), in order to produce autoclaved aerated concrete block (silex) it has achieved in taking necessary permits from the industries and mines bureau of Zanjan province.
Primary studies began in 1358 for producing 300,000 m^3autoclaved aerated concrete block (silex) by Siliceara Company (private joint stock) and after feasibility study and topography of executive operation, it is commenced in the area of 7 hectare in KHORRAMDARE-Zanjan province in Mordad 1386.
With the graciousnessof supreme being and the cooperation of the whole personnel and executives , the utilization of the first phase of the production line was inaugurated in Bahman 1387 after constructing the production line saloons of about 13,500 m^3, administrative ,welfare, laboratory,…, buildings and making 4,500 m^3 exposed products stores and the installation of more than 1,000 tons machinery and one megawatt power.It is hoping to be effective advancements in construction industry with triggering this production lineand establishment of other phases in order to product wall and roof reinforced panels of any kind.
This corporation was achieved getting technical certification in the area of autoclaved aerated concrete block (AAC-2) in 1388 and its accordance with thetopics of standard and national codes of construction ISIRI-8593 from research Centreof Roads, housing and urban development andyet it has been extended every year.